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Himnos de Adoración corresponds with the Adoration CD in the God's People Sing CD Collection. The individual songs from Himnos de Adoración are also listed below. The Regular Print songs are formatted for use in a booklet. |
Himnos de Adoración - Spanish | Large Print | Regular Print |
Himnos de Adoración - Spanish Bilingual | Large Print | Regular Print |
Himnos de Adoración - English Bilingual | Large Print | Regular Print |
Individual Songs
1 | And Can It Be | ¡Cómo en Su Sangre Pudor Haber! | Large Print | Regular Print |
2 | Beautiful Savior | Jesús Divino | Large Print | Regular Print |
3 | Blessed Assurance | ¡Seguridad en Cristo Jesús! | Large Print | Regular Print |
4 | God of Grace and God of Glory | Dios de Gracia, Dios de Gloria | Large Print | Regular Print |
5 | He Keeps Me Singing | Dulces Melodías Cantare | Large Print | Regular Print |
6 | Holy, Holy, Holy | ¡Santo! ¡Santo! ¡Santo! | Large Print | Regular Print |
7 | I Love to Tell the Story | Grato Es Contar la Historia | Large Print | Regular Print |
8 | I Stand Amazed in the Presence | ¡Cuan Grande Amor! | Large Print | Regular Print |
9 | Jesus Is All the World to Me | Cristo es Mi Dulce Salvador | Large Print | Regular Print |
10 | Jesus Loves Me | Cristo Me Ama | Large Print | Regular Print |
11 | Now Thank We All Our God | De Boca Y Corazón | Large Print | Regular Print |
12 | Oh For a Thousand Tongues to Sing | Tu Santo Nombre Alabaré | Large Print | Regular Print |
13 | Oh Worship the King | Al Rey Adorad | Large Print | Regular Print |
14 | Open My Eyes, That I May See | Abre Mis Ojos a la Luz | Large Print | Regular Print |
15 | Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow | A Dios, el Padre Celestial | Large Print | Regular Print |
16 | Praise Him! Praise Him! | ¡Gloria! ¡Gloria! | Large Print | Regular Print |
17 | Praise to the Lord, the Almighty | Alma, Bendice al Señor | Large Print | Regular Print |
18 | Savior Like a Shepherd Lead Us | Pastoréanos, Jesús Amante | Large Print | Regular Print |
19 | Sunshine In My Soul | Grande Gozo Hay En Mi Alma Hoy | Large Print | Regular Print |
20 | Sweet Hour of Prayer | Dulce Oración | Large Print | Regular Print |
21 | Tell It to Jesus | Dilo a Cristo | Large Print | Regular Print |
22 | The Solid Rock | Con Alma y Voz Te Alabaré | Large Print | Regular Print |
23 | 'Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus | ¡OH Cuan Dulce Es Fiar en Cristo! | Large Print | Regular Print |
24 | Trust and Obey | Para Andar con Jesús | Large Print | Regular Print |
25 | Wonderful Words of Life | Bellas Palabras De Vida | Large Print | Regular Print |
26 | Doxology | Doxología - Back Cover | Large Print | Regular Print |
In His name the nations will put their hope. Matthew 12:21 NIV |