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Himnos de Redención corresponds with the Redemption CD in the God's People Sing CD Collection. The individual songs from Himnos de Redención are also listed below. The Regular Print songs are formatted for use in a booklet. |
Himnos de Redención - Spanish | Large Print | Regular Print |
Himnos de Redención - Spanish Bilingual | Large Print | Regular Print |
Himnos de Redención - English Bilingual | Large Print | Regular Print |
Individual Songs
1 | Amazing Grace! | Sublime Gracia | Large Print | Regular Print |
2 | At Calvary | Años Mi Alma En Vanidad Vivó | Large Print | Regular Print |
3 | At the Cross | En La Cruz | Large Print | Regular Print |
4 | Christ the Lord Is Risen Today | El Señor Resucitó | Large Print | Regular Print |
5 | Crown Him with Many Crowns | A Cristo Coronad | Large Print | Regular Print |
6 | Footsteps of Jesus | Huellas Divinas | Large Print | Regular Print |
7 | God Be with You | Dios os Guarde | Large Print | Regular Print |
8 | I Know that My Redeemer Lives | Yo Sé Que Vive el Salvador | Large Print | Regular Print |
9 | In the Garden | A Solos con Cristo | Large Print | Regular Print |
10 | It Is Well with My Soul | Estoy Bien | Large Print | Regular Print |
11 | Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross | Lejos de Mi Padre Dios | Large Print | Regular Print |
12 | Jesus Shall Reign | Cantad Alegres Al Señor | Large Print | Regular Print |
13 | Lead On, Oh King Eternal | Ven tú, ¡OH Rey Eterno! | Large Print | Regular Print |
14 | Low in the Grave He Lay | La Tumba le Encerró | Large Print | Regular Print |
15 | My Faith Looks Up to Thee | Mi Fe Contempla en Ti | Large Print | Regular Print |
16 | Nothing But the Blood of Jesus | ¿Que Me Puede Dar Perdón? | Large Print | Regular Print |
17 | Oh Sacred Head Now Wounded | Cabeza Ensangrentada | Large Print | Regular Print |
18 | Redeemed, How I Love to Proclaim It | Comprado Con Sangre Por Cristo | Large Print | Regular Print |
19 | Rock of Ages | Roca de la Eternidad | Large Print | Regular Print |
20 | The Old Rugged Cross | En el Monte Calvario | Large Print | Regular Print |
21 | There is a Fountain Filled with Blood | Hay una Fuente Sin Igual | Large Print | Regular Print |
22 | There is Power in the Blood | ¿Quieres Ser Salvo? | Large Print | Regular Print |
23 | There Shall Be Showers of Blessing | Lluvias de Gracia | Large Print | Regular Print |
24 | What a Friend We Have in Jesus | ¡OH, Qué Amigo Nos Es Cristo! | Large Print | Regular Print |
25 | When I Survey the Wondrous Cross | La Cruz Excelsa | Large Print | Regular Print |
26 | Doxology | Doxología - Back Cover | Large Print | Regular Print |
In His name the nations will put their hope. Matthew 12:21 NIV |